GO 读取/转换 dds 文件
大约 6 分钟
package dds
// source: https://bitbucket.org/SpartanJ/soil2/src/54073b4230378ea9c99f2ec255a6273423f72b3f/src/SOIL2/stbi_DDS_c.h
import (
type Texture struct {
Header DDS_Header
Width int
Height int
DXT int
Data []byte
type DDS_PixelFormat struct {
Size uint32
Flags uint32
FourCC uint32
RGBBitCount uint32
RBitMask uint32
GBitMask uint32
BBitMask uint32
AlphaBitMask uint32
type DDS_Caps struct {
Caps1 uint32
Caps2 uint32
DDSX uint32
Reserved uint32
type DDS_Header struct {
Magic [4]byte
Size uint32
Flags uint32
Height uint32
Width uint32
PitchOrLinearSize uint32
Depth uint32
MipMapCount uint32
Reserved1 [11]uint32
PixelFormat DDS_PixelFormat // DDPIXELFORMAT
Caps DDS_Caps // DDCAPS
Reserved2 uint32
// the following constants were copied directly off the MSDN website
// The dwFlags member of the original DDSURFACEDESC2 structure can be set to one or more of the following values.
const DDSD_CAPS = 0x00000001
const DDSD_HEIGHT = 0x00000002
const DDSD_WIDTH = 0x00000004
const DDSD_PITCH = 0x00000008
const DDSD_PIXELFORMAT = 0x00001000
const DDSD_MIPMAPCOUNT = 0x00020000
const DDSD_LINEARSIZE = 0x00080000
const DDSD_DEPTH = 0x00800000
// DirectDraw Pixel Format
const DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS = 0x00000001
const DDPF_FOURCC = 0x00000004
const DDPF_RGB = 0x00000040
// The dwCaps1 member of the DDSCAPS2 structure can be set to one or more of the following values.
const DDSCAPS_COMPLEX = 0x00000008
const DDSCAPS_TEXTURE = 0x00001000
const DDSCAPS_MIPMAP = 0x00400000
// The dwCaps2 member of the DDSCAPS2 structure can be set to one or more of the following values.
const DDSCAPS2_CUBEMAP = 0x00000200
const DDSCAPS2_VOLUME = 0x00200000
func stbi_convert_bit_range(c, from_bits, to_bits uint32) uint32 {
b := (1 << (from_bits - 1)) + c*((1<<to_bits)-1)
return (b + (b >> from_bits)) >> from_bits
func stbi_rgb_888_from_565(c uint32) (uint32, uint32, uint32) {
return stbi_convert_bit_range((c>>11)&31, 5, 8),
stbi_convert_bit_range((c>>05)&63, 6, 8),
stbi_convert_bit_range((c>>00)&31, 5, 8)
func decode_DXT23_alpha_block(uncompressed, compressed []byte) {
next_bit := uint32(0)
// each alpha value gets 4 bits
for i := 3; i < 16*4; i += 4 {
uncompressed[i] = byte(
4, 8,
next_bit += 4
func decode_DXT45_alpha_block(uncompressed, compressed []byte) {
decode_alpha := [8]uint32{}
// each alpha value gets 3 bits, and the 1st 2 bytes are the range
decode_alpha[0] = uint32(compressed[0])
decode_alpha[1] = uint32(compressed[1])
if decode_alpha[0] > decode_alpha[1] {
// 6 step intermediate
decode_alpha[2] = (6*decode_alpha[0] + 1*decode_alpha[1]) / 7
decode_alpha[3] = (5*decode_alpha[0] + 2*decode_alpha[1]) / 7
decode_alpha[4] = (4*decode_alpha[0] + 3*decode_alpha[1]) / 7
decode_alpha[5] = (3*decode_alpha[0] + 4*decode_alpha[1]) / 7
decode_alpha[6] = (2*decode_alpha[0] + 5*decode_alpha[1]) / 7
decode_alpha[7] = (1*decode_alpha[0] + 6*decode_alpha[1]) / 7
} else {
// 4 step intermediate, pluss full and none
decode_alpha[2] = (4*decode_alpha[0] + 1*decode_alpha[1]) / 5
decode_alpha[3] = (3*decode_alpha[0] + 2*decode_alpha[1]) / 5
decode_alpha[4] = (2*decode_alpha[0] + 3*decode_alpha[1]) / 5
decode_alpha[5] = (1*decode_alpha[0] + 4*decode_alpha[1]) / 5
decode_alpha[6] = 0
decode_alpha[7] = 255
next_bit := 8 * 2
for i := 3; i < 16*4; i += 4 {
idx := uint(0)
bit := uint(0)
bit = uint((compressed[next_bit>>3] >> (uint(next_bit) & 7)) & 1)
idx += bit << 0
next_bit += 1
bit = uint((compressed[next_bit>>3] >> (uint(next_bit) & 7)) & 1)
idx += bit << 1
next_bit += 1
bit = uint((compressed[next_bit>>3] >> (uint(next_bit) & 7)) & 1)
idx += bit << 2
next_bit += 1
uncompressed[i] = byte(decode_alpha[idx&7])
func decode_DXT_color_block(uncompressed, compressed []byte) {
var r, g, b, c0, c1 uint32
decode_colors := [4 * 3]uint32{}
// find the 2 primary colors
c0 = uint32(compressed[0]) + (uint32(compressed[1]) << 8)
c1 = uint32(compressed[2]) + (uint32(compressed[3]) << 8)
r, g, b = stbi_rgb_888_from_565(c0)
decode_colors[0] = r
decode_colors[1] = g
decode_colors[2] = b
r, g, b = stbi_rgb_888_from_565(c1)
decode_colors[3] = r
decode_colors[4] = g
decode_colors[5] = b
// Like DXT1, but no choicees: no alpha, 2 interpolated colors
decode_colors[6] = (2*decode_colors[0] + decode_colors[3]) / 3
decode_colors[7] = (2*decode_colors[1] + decode_colors[4]) / 3
decode_colors[8] = (2*decode_colors[2] + decode_colors[5]) / 3
decode_colors[9] = (decode_colors[0] + 2*decode_colors[3]) / 3
decode_colors[10] = (decode_colors[1] + 2*decode_colors[4]) / 3
decode_colors[11] = (decode_colors[2] + 2*decode_colors[5]) / 3
// decode the block
next_bit := uint32(4 * 8)
for i := 0; i < 16*4; i += 4 {
idx := ((compressed[next_bit>>3] >> (next_bit & 7)) & 3) * 3
next_bit += 2
uncompressed[i+0] = byte(decode_colors[idx+0])
uncompressed[i+1] = byte(decode_colors[idx+1])
uncompressed[i+2] = byte(decode_colors[idx+2])
func decode_DXT1_block(uncompressed, compressed []byte) {
var r, g, b, c0, c1 uint32
decode_colors := [4 * 4]uint32{}
// find the 2 primary colors
c0 = uint32(compressed[0]) + (uint32(compressed[1]) << 8)
c1 = uint32(compressed[2]) + (uint32(compressed[3]) << 8)
r, g, b = stbi_rgb_888_from_565(c0)
decode_colors[0] = r
decode_colors[1] = g
decode_colors[2] = b
decode_colors[3] = 255
r, g, b = stbi_rgb_888_from_565(c1)
decode_colors[4] = r
decode_colors[5] = g
decode_colors[6] = b
decode_colors[7] = 255
if c0 > c1 {
// no alpha, 2 interpolated colors
decode_colors[8] = (2*decode_colors[0] + decode_colors[4]) / 3
decode_colors[9] = (2*decode_colors[1] + decode_colors[5]) / 3
decode_colors[10] = (2*decode_colors[2] + decode_colors[6]) / 3
decode_colors[11] = 255
decode_colors[12] = (decode_colors[0] + 2*decode_colors[4]) / 3
decode_colors[13] = (decode_colors[1] + 2*decode_colors[5]) / 3
decode_colors[14] = (decode_colors[2] + 2*decode_colors[6]) / 3
decode_colors[15] = 255
} else {
// 1 interpolated color, alpha
decode_colors[8] = (decode_colors[0] + decode_colors[4]) / 2
decode_colors[9] = (decode_colors[1] + decode_colors[5]) / 2
decode_colors[10] = (decode_colors[2] + decode_colors[6]) / 2
decode_colors[11] = 255
decode_colors[12] = 0
decode_colors[13] = 0
decode_colors[14] = 0
decode_colors[15] = 0
// decode the block
next_bit := uint32(4 * 8)
for i := 0; i < 16*4; i += 4 {
idx := ((compressed[next_bit>>3] >> (next_bit & 7)) & 3) * 4
next_bit += 2
uncompressed[i+0] = byte(decode_colors[idx+0])
uncompressed[i+1] = byte(decode_colors[idx+1])
uncompressed[i+2] = byte(decode_colors[idx+2])
uncompressed[i+3] = byte(decode_colors[idx+3])
func Decode(reader io.Reader) (*Texture, error) {
var header DDS_Header
// load the header
binary.Read(reader, binary.LittleEndian, &header)
tex := &Texture{
Header: header,
Width: int(header.Width),
Height: int(header.Height),
// and do some checking
if string(header.Magic[:]) != "DDS " {
return tex, fmt.Errorf("invalid header.Magic")
if header.Size != 124 {
return tex, fmt.Errorf("invalid header.Size")
According to the MSDN spec, the dwFlags should contain
DDSD_LINEARSIZE if it's compressed, or DDSD_PITCH if
uncompressed. Some DDS writers do not conform to the
spec, so I need to make my reader more tolerant
if (header.Flags & flags) != flags {
return tex, fmt.Errorf("invalid header.Flags")
if header.PixelFormat.Size != 32 {
return tex, fmt.Errorf("invalid header.PixelFormat.Size")
flags = uint32(DDPF_FOURCC | DDPF_RGB)
//flags = uint32(DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS) (drift/data/grass.dds)
if (header.PixelFormat.Flags & flags) == 0 {
return tex, fmt.Errorf("invalid header.PixelFormat.Flags")
if (header.Caps.Caps1 & DDSCAPS_TEXTURE) == 0 {
return tex, fmt.Errorf("invalid header.Caps.Caps1")
// get the image data
img_x := header.Width
img_y := header.Height
img_n := 4
is_compressed := ((header.PixelFormat.Flags & DDPF_FOURCC) / DDPF_FOURCC) != 0
has_alpha := ((header.PixelFormat.Flags & DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS) / DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS) != 0
has_mipmap := ((header.Caps.Caps1 & DDSCAPS_MIPMAP) != 0) && (header.MipMapCount > 1)
cubemap_faces := ((header.Caps.Caps2 & DDSCAPS2_CUBEMAP) / DDSCAPS2_CUBEMAP)
// need cubemaps to have square faces
if img_x == img_y {
cubemap_faces &= 1
} else {
cubemap_faces &= 0
cubemap_faces *= 5
cubemap_faces += 1
block_pitch := (img_x + 3) >> 2
num_blocks := block_pitch * ((img_y + 3) >> 2)
/* let the user know what's going on */
//*x = s->img_x;
//*y = s->img_y;
//*comp = s->img_n;
//fmt.Println(img_x, img_y, img_n, is_compressed, has_alpha, has_mipmap, cubemap_faces, num_blocks, cubemap_faces)
var dds_data []byte
var DXT_family uint32
// is this uncompressed?
if is_compressed {
// note: header.sPixelFormat.dwFourCC is something like (('D'<<0)|('X'<<8)|('T'<<16)|('1'<<24))
DXT_family = 1 + (header.PixelFormat.FourCC >> 24) - '1'
tex.DXT = int(DXT_family)
if (DXT_family < 1) || (DXT_family > 5) {
return tex, fmt.Errorf("invalid DXT_family")
//fmt.Println("DXT_family", DXT_family)
// check the expected size...oops, nevermind... those non-compliant writers leave dwPitchOrLinearSize ==
// passed all the tests, get the RAM for decoding
block := make([]byte, 16*4)
compressed := make([]byte, 8)
sz := img_x * img_y * 4 * cubemap_faces
dds_data = make([]byte, sz)
for cf := 0; cf < int(cubemap_faces); cf += 1 {
// now read and decode all the blocks
for i := 0; i < int(num_blocks); i += 1 {
// where are we?
bx := 0
by := 0
bw := 4
bh := 4
ref_x := 4 * (i % int(block_pitch))
ref_y := 4 * (i / int(block_pitch))
// get the next block's worth of compressed data, and decompress it
if DXT_family == 1 {
// DXT1
io.ReadFull(reader, compressed)
decode_DXT1_block(block, compressed)
} else if DXT_family < 4 {
// DXT2/3
io.ReadFull(reader, compressed)
decode_DXT23_alpha_block(block, compressed)
io.ReadFull(reader, compressed)
decode_DXT_color_block(block, compressed)
} else {
// DXT4/5
io.ReadFull(reader, compressed)
decode_DXT45_alpha_block(block, compressed)
io.ReadFull(reader, compressed)
decode_DXT_color_block(block, compressed)
// is this a partial block?
if ref_x+4 > int(img_x) {
bw = int(img_x) - ref_x
if ref_y+4 > int(img_y) {
bh = int(img_y) - ref_y
// now drop our decompressed data into the buffer
for by = 0; by < bh; by += 1 {
idx := 4 * ((ref_y+by+cf*int(img_x))*int(img_x) + ref_x)
for bx = 0; bx < bw*4; bx += 1 {
dds_data[idx+bx] = block[by*16+bx]
// done reading and decoding the main image... stbi__skip MIPmaps if present
if has_mipmap {
block_size := 16
if DXT_family == 1 {
block_size = 8
for i := 1; i < int(header.MipMapCount); i += 1 {
mx := int(img_x) >> uint(i+2)
my := int(img_y) >> uint(i+2)
if mx < 1 {
mx = 1
if my < 1 {
my = 1
//stbi__skip( s, mx*my*block_size );
skipBuf := make([]byte, mx*my*block_size)
io.ReadFull(reader, skipBuf)
} else {
//return 0, 0, nil, fmt.Errorf("TODO uncompressed")
DXT_family = 0
img_n = 3
if has_alpha {
img_n = 4
//sz := int(img_x) * int(img_y) * int(img_n) * int(cubemap_faces)
sz := int(img_x) * int(img_y) * int(img_n) * int(cubemap_faces)
dds_data = make([]byte, sz)
// do this once for each face
for cf := 0; cf < int(cubemap_faces); cf += 1 {
// TODO: make it efficient.
//stbi__getn( s, &dds_data[cf*s->img_x*s->img_y*s->img_n], s->img_x*s->img_y*s->img_n );
faces_buf := make([]byte, img_x*img_y*uint32(img_n))
io.ReadFull(reader, faces_buf)
i := uint32(cf) * img_x * img_y * uint32(img_n)
dds_data = append(dds_data[:i], append(faces_buf, dds_data[i:]...)...)
// done reading and decoding the main image... stbi__skip MIPmaps if present
if has_mipmap {
for i := 1; i < int(header.MipMapCount); i += 1 {
mx := int(img_x) >> uint(i)
my := int(img_y) >> uint(i)
if mx < 1 {
mx = 1
if my < 1 {
my = 1
skipBuf := make([]byte, mx*my*img_n)
io.ReadFull(reader, skipBuf)
var rgba_dds_data []byte
if img_n == 3 {
rgba_dds_data = make([]byte, img_x*img_y*4*cubemap_faces)
// data was BGR, I need it RGB
for i := 0; i < (sz / img_n); i += 1 {
offset := i * img_n
temp := dds_data[offset]
dds_data[offset] = dds_data[offset+2]
dds_data[offset+2] = temp
// always want rgba
if img_n == 3 {
alphaOffset := i * 4
rgba_dds_data[alphaOffset] = dds_data[offset]
rgba_dds_data[alphaOffset+1] = dds_data[offset+1]
rgba_dds_data[alphaOffset+2] = dds_data[offset+2]
rgba_dds_data[alphaOffset+3] = 0xff
if img_n == 3 {
dds_data = rgba_dds_data
tex.Data = dds_data
return tex, nil
package main
import (
func main() {
file, err := os.Open("test.dds")
if err != nil {
ddsImg, err := dds.Decode(file)
if err != nil {
img := image.NewRGBA(image.Rect(0, 0, ddsImg.Width, ddsImg.Height))
img.Pix = ddsImg.Data
file, _ = os.Create("waht.png")
png.Encode(file, img)